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Michelle is an accredited & recognized Reiki Grand Master Teacher & Reiki Master Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association (CRA)


Get a certificate recognized by the Canadian Reiki Association after completing each level.


Have faith that you will be offered the best support in becoming a successful and confident Advanced Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master Teacher if choosing to embark on this as a professional means.

Energy Embodied Reiki Academy teaches you the truth of who you really are & what you are made of. It will show you how to heal, physically, mentally, and emotionally, but better it will help you to embrace your own magnificence and the profound truth that there was nothing wrong with you in the first place. I want you to experience this on a very deep level and learn how to express it and live it every day. It's time to awaken to your true nature with Reiki. Become part of a growing and supporting community. Access to a wide range of holistic and spiritual workshops.

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Why Choose Energy Embodied Reiki Academy ?

Energy Embodied Academy
Reiki Master Training

Reiki One

Learn the beginning teachings of Reiki Energy Healing.​

Begin to learn the extraordinary power of energy healing to heal and transform from the inside out. Learn to balance the mind, body, Spirit.​

All Reiki Trainings are recognized by the Canadian Reiki Association (CRA). Students who graduate will receive a certificate recognized by the CRA and be able to apply as members themselves.



location Châteauguay

June 1st, 2024

Reiki Two

Dive deeper Into your Reiki practice & wisdom for healing tools.

Learn the deeper systems of Reiki energy healing. This experience is incredibly transformational and therapeutic. You will learn about advanced methods of self-healing, emotional release methods, manifesting techniques, and how to balance the mind, emotions, and body.​

Pre-requisite for this training is Reiki Level One. 



Location Châteaugau


July 6th, 2024

Advanced Master Practitioner

This class is a path to self-mastery & spiritual growth that will always continuously unfold, & heal you. You will find the deeper purpose of Reiki to truly discover the deeper spiritual realms of who you are. What will you learn ?

Reiki Three Symbol

Two secret energy symbols

How to perform Energy Surgery

 Group Reiki

How to extensively heal & balance each of the chakras

Alignment Technique



Location Châteaugauy


August 24th, 2024

Reiki Master Teacher

My Reiki Master Teacher Training is designed to truly awaken & assist you in becoming an established  & confident Reiki Master Teacher. Students who graduate feel ready to share their light & gifts with the world. Upon completion of certification, students can begin teaching & attuning others to Reiki. 

Graduating students will receive a certificate from Energy Embodied recognized by the Canadian Reiki Association (CRA).



Location Châteaugauy

May 11th, 2024

Which of your Chakras are Blocked Free Quiz

Take the Free Quiz

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energetic hands- on healing technique and form of alternative medicine that enhances one’s overall wellness, promotes stress reduction, relaxation, and emotional healing.

The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. Although, it has been referred as many different names throughout the ages.

Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) teaches us that we are more than just our physical bodies and that Reiki surrounds us as an energy body. Our energy body is made up of our aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers) and the meridians (energy pathways.)


Like our physical body that takes in food to nourish it and give it energy, our energy body does the same. The energy fields take energy in, the chakras break it down, and the meridians distribute it throughout the body.

Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain causing energetic blockages. Emotions that are essentially (energy in motion) that are not able to be fully acknowledged, understood or even truly felt cannot be processed. These unprocessed emotions then create emotional energetic blockages within you, that manifest in many different ways. A great many worries may, for example, remain denied and uninterpreted and manifest themselves as powerful directionless anxiety. Think of restlessness, anger, guilt, nail biting, binge eating, drinking, and all those other types of self soothing or sabotaging behaviours that we tend to do. All of which, come from energetic blockages due to unprocessed and unreleased emotions. In time if not healed or dealt with these emotional energy blocks can cause illness and dis-ease.

Reiki energy healing enhances the flow of vital life force energy by permeating every cell of the body while removing emotional and energetic blockages.

Today scientific research is revealing what ancient practitioners knew long ago. Science is proving the existence of the human energy field. Ancient Egyptians depicted the use of energy for toning and healing the physical body.

Ancient Christians, use “laying of the hands” to create miraculous healings. More than five thousand years ago, ancient India, the Vedas, the oldest recorded commentary of human potential and development, described moving energy in the body and raising our vibrational frequency to facilitate healing and to awaken the consciousness to higher realms. These practices were not imaginary or “magic”; rather they were ( and are) based on the truth that we are “beings of energy”

Reiki Energy Healing

What Happens when you Strengthen your Life force Energy with Reiki?

When life force energy flows through you, you experience a life that's effortless & full of creativity. Nothing you lack. Rather, a deep knowing that everything you need resides within.

When you are tapped into your inner essential essence and allow Life force energy to freely flow through you, you find it easier to love, have compassion, and forgive. Emotionally and physically you begin to heal. Ancient texts and modern science confirms this.

When you are tapped into your inner essence and guidance you are less inclined to engage in arguments, but rather you see things from a higher perspective with new solutions that benefit everyone involved. Spiritually you begin to grow and awaken into your most aligned self.

When you are tapped into your inner essence and allow Life force energy to flow through you, you begin to let go of fearing to embrace uncertainty. You stop trying to control the outcome or determine how things will happen. Rather, you begin to trust that as long as you master your energy (mind, body, heart) - the universe takes care of you.

How has Reiki Helped Me?

I used to be driven by perfection, lacking a sense of joy, fulfillment and a true self of self. My heart, esteem and self-worth was broken after an abusive and toxic relationship. I struggled with physical endometriosis and injury after a car crash in 2006. Doctors literally told me I likely wouldn’t be able to run again.

I had financial struggle, stress and disappointment, comparison, and the inability to let go of the past. I felt like I was unable at times to create the life I truly wanted and felt the loss from my true sense of self. I used to wonder about the meaning of life and felt like my life was an
uphill battle.

Fearing to embrace uncertainty, trying to control the outcome of how things will happen, rather than trusting the process; and that as long as you master your energy (mind, body, heart) - the universe takes care of you.


Reiki has literally changed my life!

I no longer suffer from injury or illness. I’ve healed my endometriosis and no longer suffer from pain. I learned to run again by complementing Reiki with Chi Running, realizing the power in working with energy and connecting the mind, breath, and body.

Reiki has helped me tremendously heal on an emotional level. I’ve been able to work through difficult and painful emotions, sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs that were holding me back from recognizing my powers and gifts.
It’s helped me completely transform my career and become the Soulpreneur that I am dedicating my life to helping women step into their power and discover their true essence.

Reiki and enhancing the life force energy within me has helped me to embrace the uncertainties of life, trust my process and surrender to play and joy as a lifestyle along the way. Reiki has shifted my entire perspective on life and what is possible for myself and the world around me!

It’s enabled me to discover my spiritual gifts and psychic abilities. It’s empowered and transformed me to dedicate my life to teaching others the power of Reiki.

You don’t have to live life anymore from the perspective of the small, limited, scared & insecure Self. You’ve always known this is not your only choice to live and that’s why you’ve landed on my page, because there has always been this DEEP KNOWING within you that’s there more to you. Are you ready to master your mind and energy? Are you ready to align into your infinite potential and live a wildly expansive & deeply

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