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Awaken into your most


Transpersonal Hypnosis incorporates not just the mind and body but also the spiritual essence of a person, the goal being to help clients wake-up to who they truly are. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that enables you to connect with your subconscious mind to gain deep insight and awareness on specific emotions, limiting beliefs and memories that have kept you feeling stuck in the same types of limiting patterns, hurtful feelings, and operating as the primary lens and program by which you live your life. 


When you become aware of the ROOT cause of what is blocking you, it becomes easier for the mind and body to process that information, release the energy and move forward with greater ease in life towards the change you desire.


In Hypnosis, I use a variety of techniques to identify the root of your issue, release trauma, and resolve it by helping you adopt new positive and empowering belief systems.


In each of my hypnosis sessions, I use a client-centered approach. Thorough NLP intake questions are asked in the initial part of the appointment to understand and analyze the psychodynamics of the clients, change thoughts and behaviours, and enhance the overall effectiveness of the hypnosis. Together we formulate solutions and roadmaps to help the client move from a problem state to a solution state. Clients can even have breakthrough moments during the NLP intake. Once in a hypnotic trance state, the subconscious reprogramming work aligns your subconscious beliefs with your conscious desires. When this happens, resistance and blocks are FINALLY released. Things start to flow once you become FREE from those old programs that you used to operate on.


At last you’re able to access your own LIMITLESS SELF and tap into your magnificence. From here you can effortlessly reach your goals and create a life filled with love, joy, and purpose. You experience the alignment of your subconscious mind with your conscious mind!

Go from where you are to where you want to be. 

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What is Transpersonal Hypnosis ?

The word transpersonal means extending beyond the individual or person. Transpersonal Hypnosis incorporates not just the mind and body but also the spiritual essence with the goal being to help clients wake-up to who they truly are.


Hypnosis is a natural, yet altered, state of mind where communication and responsiveness with the subconscious mind is present. You are in complete control, and conscious. During the session we use progressive relaxation, in this relaxed state your subconscious mind is open, from here we can identify blocks, limiting beliefs, receive clarity, and heal the root cause.

Hypnosis can help you go from where you are to where you want to be. By working with the subconscious mind we will identify and heal the root cause of the issue that is blocking you from achieving your goals to create the life you desire.

Hypnosis will help take back your power! 

When you change your subconscious mind you change your entire life.

It will take you from where you are to where you want to be. By working with the subconscious mind we will identify and heal the root cause of the issue or trauma that is blocking you from achieving your goals to create the life you desire. Together we will alleviate your emotional distresses and fears holding you back from truly living the expansive and wildly fulfilling life you were meant for. Hypnosis will help you connect deeply with your Inner Guide and Highest Self. During hypnosis your conscious mind is essentially distracted, and your subconscious mind becomes more accessible to communicate with. Here is where we can align your subconscious beliefs developed in childhood, to your present day conscious desires, so you no longer feel resistance in your life. When we align our subconscious beliefs with the desires of our conscious mind, things just flow. You tap into your power and reach new heights! 

How does Clinical Transpersonal Hypnosis work ?

Hypnosis is a procedure which effects changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviours.

The conscious mind only accounts for 10%, while the subconscious mind accounts for the remaining 90%. The conscious mind pertains to our analysis, thinking, planning, and short-term memory. While the subconscious mind is responsible for our emotions, feelings, habits and relationship patterns, addictions, involuntary bodily functions, creativity, developmental stages, spiritual connection and our intuition.

While in hypnosis the client is guided in a trance state using the Alpha brain waves (8-12 hertz), that allows direct communication and access to the subconscious mind, where our learned behaviours and pattern-making systems reside. You are in complete control, and conscious while in hypnosis.

During hypnosis, the hypnotist induces the client into a state of intense concentration or focused attention through a process with progressive relaxation, visualization techniques, verbal cues and repetition, energetic, psychological, and spiritual therapeutic techniques.

While in this relaxed state, the critical conscious mind is able to be bypassed while the subconscious mind is open and accessible to be communicated with to find the answers the client is searching for more efficiently. From here we can identify blocks, receive clarity and change unwanted behaviours and limiting beliefs.

Hypnosis is an extremely effective and powerful technique because it can by-pass what would typically require a prolonged or circuitous re-learning program in our fully conscious state during talk therapy.

The trance-like state you enter may appear similar to sleep in many ways, but you're fully aware of what's going on. It is important to note that people only change if they want to. The client must have a strong desire to change. We as hypnotists cannot change people’s mind


When you change your subconscious mind, you transform your entire reality. 

Most of the time, your subconscious mind simply operates in the background on autopilot. During hypnosis, your conscious mind is essentially distracted, and your subconscious mind becomes more accessible. While in a hypnosis session, you can use a heightened state of suggestibility to guide your subconscious mind towards powerful changes and help you identify the root cause of blocks.

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Let me explain a little bit how the subconscious mind works..

From the time you are born to eight years old, you collect information through life experiences and the things you hear as a child. The subconscious mind through these experiences develops belief systems, emotions, and behaviours. You develop these beliefs based on what was modelled to you, how you were treated and how others made you FEEL. A parent's external words can easily become a child's internal words. All this information is stored within your subconscious mind, after 8 years old, the conscious mind begins to come to the forefront. However the subconscious mind is still on autopilot, running the show, with the filter & programs set in place. The subconscious mind is like the hard drive of the operating system controlling 90% of the mind & daily behaviours; whereas the conscious mind controls 10%. Most of us do not have conscious memories of early childhood, and are unaware of the memories and beliefs which had been set during this time and are running the show in our adult lives. 

Our external reality is a direct reflection of the belief systems and programming we have set in our subconscious mind. These unconscious beliefs limit us and our beliefs about ourselves, our abilities, love, relationships, money, etc. They keep us feeling small and stuck. They prevent us from tapping into greatness. The subconscious mind is our operating system and is the driving force in our lives. We may consciously want to make a change in our lives for example, obtain loving and healthy relationships, have financial security, have a fulfilling career, discover our passion, lose weight, move past fear; but if our subconscious beliefs are not aligned with our conscious desires, we will never attract, create, or sustain that reality. The subconscious mind is concerned with keeping you SAFE, what is safe to the subconscious is what is familiar. Even though you may have experienced  a painful childhood, your subconscious mind will attract partners and situations which leave you feeling the same way, because that's what feels familiar & safe.

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Hypnosis is a powerful tool that enables us to connect with the subconscious mind, bringing light and awareness to the emotions, beliefs and memories which have been the filter and program your whole life: Keeping you feeling stuck or in the same types of patterns. 

When you become aware of the root of what is blocking you, it becomes much easier to move past it and go forward with greater ease in your life. We use a variety of techniques to identify the root of the issue, and resolve it by adopting new positive and empowering belief systems. Hypnosis aligns your subconscious beliefs with your conscious desires. When this happens, resistance and blocks are FINALLY released. Things start to flow and this is because you become FREE from those old programs. At last you’re able to access your own LIMITLESS SELF and tap into your magnificence. From here you can effortlessly reach your goals and create a life filled with love, joy, and purpose. You experience the alignment of your subconscious mind with your conscious mind!

What to expect…

Clients have the option to either book an in-person session or remotely. Both are equally effective and powerful. Initial sessions last 2 hours long. The first hour of the sessions is allotted for thorough NLP intake questioning, while the second hour of the session is dedicated for hypnosis. Subsequent sessions if needed are 1.5 hours in length.


We will discuss the issue you would like to resolve and the goal you would like to achieve in the intake portion of the sessions. We work on one issue or goal at a time - this is important and part of the process. We will explore the emotions & beliefs linked to the issue, then use progressive relaxation for hypnosis in the second half of the session. You are completely in control at all times.


Together we will work to help free yourself of any mental or emotional blockage that stands between you and your goals. With the awareness of what may be blocking you, it becomes much easier to release those blocks, helping you go from where you are to where you want to be in your life. 


It is important that you feel safe and comfortable during the session. I am happy to offer a free 20 min. consultation over the phone. You can ask any questions you have about hypnosis, and how it can work for you! It is my mission to ensure you get the most out of each and every session.


Whatever is discussed between us, is confidential. I am committed to lovingly hold space for you to feel seen, heard and SAFE to fully express yourself and achieve your goals as quickly as possible. I help my clients release blocks, old stories and labels they told themselves, and to come into complete ALIGNMENT. Living a life filled with LOVE, JOY, & PURPOSE. That is what I want for YOU Hypnosis will help you...

Receive Clarity & Direction in Life


Manage stress & overwhelm

Transform Limiting Beliefs to Empowered Ones

Release Resistance & Take Aligned Action

Identify Money Blocks, scarcity mindset & Attract Abundance

Transform Triggers & Gain Emotional Stability

Resolve Relationship Issues & Codependency

Help you connect with your Inner Guide & Healer

Discover blockages from a past life regression session

Gain insight from past lives

Heal from Heartbreak / Breakups

Weight Loss

Improve Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem

Identify Root Cause of Anxiousness & Depression

Address Grief & Loss

Release Self- Sabotage, Addictive, Unwanted Behaviours

Resolve Fears, Phobias and Anger

Heal Your Inner Child

Resolve Imposter Syndrome & Release Self Doubt

Sleep Issues


Who is it for?

YOU! Because you are the Sole Creator of your Life. 

Are you ready to UPLEVEL your life? 

Are you wanting to tap into your Higher Guidance 

Are you Feeling stuck in an unfulfilling career or feel empty relationships?

Are you searching for your purpose but not sure where to start?

Do you find yourself in the same painful patterns that come up in relationships and life situations?

Are you ready to let go of self sabotage & destructive behaviours, to fall in love with yourself and life?

As a licensed Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotist, I will help you achieve your goals. We will work with the subconscious mind to rewrite limiting beliefs and create new neural pathways for radical self transformation and major self love.

Together we will work to help you regain your power and come into the Alignment to live your best life!

I'm ready to start Hypnosis!

How can It help me?



Release and uncover the emotional blocks that are actually preventing you from losing weight. It's not about will power. Believe it or not, your weight is serving some kind of purpose for you. Once we identify and meet the core need of the subconscious, the body no longer needs to hold onto the weight.  This makes reaching your goals finally much more attainable.

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Identify your childhood wounds that are playing out and manifesting in your relationships. Hypnosis will help you break free of these patterns and create or attract the relationship you desire. A relationship where you feel seen, heard and understood. When you aren’t living from your wounds, you find yourself in healthy, nourishing  relationships that are uplifting and fulfilling.

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Anxiety & depression can be triggered in unique contexts for each person. Often the primary cause is due to unresolved trauma and stored emotions, which then lead to response states of  constant worry, panic and sadness. By working with the subconscious mind we can address the root cause of these emotions.

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Part of how we feel about ourselves is influenced by our past experiences. Working with the subconscious mind will allow you to correct past distortions, emotional traumas, shame, and transform your inner critic. While further eliminating self-doubt allows you to generate a more positive self image, improving your self-confidence and self-esteem.



Through the use of progressive relaxation, your subconscious mind is open and the critical mind is bypassed. From here we can identify those triggers and causes of your stress, identify unhealthy thought patterns that are causing self-sabotaging, limiting or scarcity driven behaviors, that keep you stuck in stressful situations. Hypnosis can help you reframe the causes of stress and achieve more peace and balance in your life. It will help you go from where you are to where you want to be. 

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Money blocks are negative, limiting and scarcity types of beliefs that create blocks and resistance within you, preventing you from being able to achieve your financial goals. For example, growing up hearing “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “more money, more problems”, etc. creates subconscious beliefs that block money flow later in life. If you grew up, constantly seeing your parents arguing or struggling to make money, this too can affect your subconscious beliefs around money. By working with the subconscious mind we reprogram limiting beliefs to open & attract abundance.

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Public speaking can be a massive fear for many. Hypnosis does three things to help overcome stage fright. First it teaches the skill of physical relaxation and allows you to control your internal fear response, calmly approaching any situation in front of an audience. Second, it reprograms your subconscious association with fear in front of crowds and replaces it with a true belief set. This belief-set is based on your inner ability to succeed. Third, hypnosis provides confidence to powerfully deliver your message in front of any group in any situation. 

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Hypnosis may help you manage and process the waves of emotions of grief and loss from heartbreak that you can’t see to let go of. You can’t change what happens, but you can change how you choose to respond. Hypnosis can help you reframe negative thoughts and behaviors. Together we can work to help you see your break-up from a new, more positive light, receive clarity and closure.



Hypnosis may be used to help you overcome or reduce fears and phobias, such as public speaking, driving,  intimacy, commitment, being alone, animals, rejection, abandonment, fear of failure, fear of success, etc. to live a fulfilling and peaceful life.

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Are you feeling limited, small, incapable, or even stuck in your life? You may feel resistance from taking action towards your desires. Holding beliefs such as “I am not good enough” or “It's not possible for me” block you from your own limitless potential. With Hypnosis we can identify limiting beliefs, regressing to the cause, healing at the root leaving you feeling empowered and limitless!

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Hypnosis can help you move through the stages of grief & process emotions with a better understanding. Helping you feel physically and mentally calm, relaxed and gain closure. Hypnosis can help you release stuck, perpetual emotions that perhaps you keep replying and living through after a bad breakup.

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Addictions and self sabotage may be unhealthy coping mechanisms to avoid the underlying emotions and pain we experience. By addressing the root issue through hypnosis, the coping mechanism is no longer needed. When you address the root of your behavior, you’re able to understand, process, and ultimately change. Hypnosis may help release habits such as smoking, drinking, sex, overeating, porn, shopping, etc.

Question and Answer


You are awake and conscious during the entire session. You are in complete control. For most sessions you will be light/medium hypnosis which is the same state as meditation. I have no power or control over you, and I cannot make you do or say anything you do not wish to do or say. Your subconscious mind will show you what is needed. Trust the power of your mind. I am here to hold the space and guide the session toward your goal


​All sessions are 2 hours long. For the first 30 min. we discuss where you are at currently, what you would like to address, and what your goals are. I will answer any questions you have about hypnosis. From there we will determine what form of hypnotherapy is suitable for your goals. We will use progressive relaxation to bring you into hypnosis, once in this state your subconscious mind is open from here we can identify the root issue, heal the memory and reprogram beliefs to support you in achieving your goals.


Hypnotherapy is a process like standard therapy. You may experience profound results and transformation in only 1 session, but other issues may take more sessions, depending on how deeply rooted the beliefs/issues are. Personally I would recommend a minimum of 3 sessions to work through specific issues. The more you use this tool, the quicker it will be to see results.


​We don't know, what we don't know. Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious mind , which controls 90% of our daily choices. We can consciously want something, but if it does not align with our subconscious beliefs we will always face resistance making it extremely difficult to reach out goals. Hypnotherapy allows you to uncover the subconscious beliefs that were developed in childhood and rewrite the script to allow you to achieve your goals and live a more rich, juicy and fulfilling life!


Cancellation: If you cancel 48 hours before your session time there is no cancellation fee & you will be refunded the cost of the session. If you cancel your session with less than 48 hours notice you will not receive a refund and be charged the full cost of the session.No-Show: If you miss your scheduled session, without canceling 48 hours before, you will not be refunded for the session. Late Arrival: If you arrive late to your session, your session time will be reduced but the amount of time you were late to accommodate the client session following

How Can I Make Sure I get the Most Out of My Sessions?

​Booking the session and making the choice to invest in your own well-being is the first step! Your energy is already in the space for healing and transformation. The next step is to be open to learning & being radically honest with yourself looking inward to find resolutions. The willingness for change and your well- being as a priority will allow you to come into the sessions determined to work through the blocks and resistance to move towards and more fulfilling life.


Yes. You will be aware the whole time. You will be in a deeply relaxed state but are always told in the session to remember the experience. There are a lot of things release during the sessions and many shifts that take place, you will remember the session and be aware the entire time. 

Will My Session be Confidential ?

Every single session and everything discussed between us is always confidential. Creating a safe environment for you to express yourself and get the most out of the session is my highest priority. My mission is to create a safe and loving space for you to heal and to guide and support you in embodying your most empowered and aligned version of self. You feeling safe to express to fully express is extremely important in the process. In our sessions you will feel seen, heard and feel free to express yourself without judgment or fear.

How do I prepare for my Session ?

Please make sure you Zoom dowloaded on your phone or computer, have a charged laptop\phone,  with a good wifi connection!

You will want to be somewhere comfortable, like a sofa or bed, where you can feel relaxed. 

 Make sure you are alone in a quiet and safe place, so you can fully express yourself without the concern that anyone will overhear you. 

It is recommended to not drink alcohol heavily the night before & to avoid coffee 2 hours before your session.


Book a free 20 minute phone consultation with Michelle to see if we're a good fit and go over any additional questions you have. 

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