With a unique blueprint customized to your specific needs, I will assist you in embracing the energy and mindset required to unleash your full potential and connect with your innermost desires. My signature program integrates NLP techniques, hypnosis, energy healing, and guidance to help you break free from limitations and cultivate a profound sense of wholeness to live your most purpose- driven life.
As you seek to evolve into your most aligned self and live your most expansive, fulfilling, and purpose-driven life, it truly helps to have a coach. Life can be challenging, having someone there to encourage, guide and coach you helps tremendously. Here are some of the many advantages my Spiritual Coaching methods can provide:

Spiritual growth removes inner blockages, preventing you from truly experiencing your best life and expanding into your full potential, expanding your consciousness.

Sometimes all you need is someone to listen without judgmen, to show understanding, and be there for you during good and bad times.

Personal Growth
Personal growth is a process where we develop new skills, behaviours, actions, attitudes, habits and reactions to benefit certain aspects of our lives and help us grow.

Emotional Healing
Emotional turmoil can make you feel stuck, miserable, even helpless. I help you realign with your power and realize that all the answers you seek and everything resides within you.

Support and direction ease you through transitions or periods of stagnation. I will assist you with a roadmap to help navigate shifts and challenges as they arise.

Practical Tools
Having practical tools to integrate into our lives is essential for creating lasting and substantial changes that help you shift your habits to more positive ones.

Spiritual coaching involves combining a spiritual element with the traditional coaching relationship. As a an Intuitive and Spiritual coach, I help you attain inner happiness, peace and harmony. I help you shift from where you are to where you desire to be and regain your empowerment. I support you on your journey to deep alignment while discovering greater wholeness within yourself. I combine intuitive wisdom and insights supporting your personal development and spiritual ascension.
My Spiritual coaching offers a one-of-a-kind approach because the truth is no one is like me, as no one is like you! I don't believe in coincidences. I believe you found me because my authentic energy attracted you, and you have a hunch that I might be able to help you!
Together we will explore aspects of yourself using intuitive coaching, NLP work, meditation, energetics, hypnotherapy and hypnotic tools. We will uncover your limiting root programs keeping you stuck, your wounded themes of consciousness, and we will formulate roadmaps and solutions to help you shift from where you are to where you desire to be.
I help you feel more inner peace, purpose, and joy. I believe in helping you deepen your relationship with yourself and the world around you for more happiness, overall success and inner-freedom. I hold you accountable for taking charge of your happiness in this lifetime.
2 hr
1,555 Canadian dollars
Adam Calvez
"I am new to my spiritual journey and can honestly say that Michelle's experience and insights are a guiding light helping me become more in tune with myself. I highly recommend working with her."
Yasmine K.
"Michelle uses her natural intuition to guide you on the path that is going to serve you the most. She makes you feel totally comfortable which really allows you to release heavy feelings and get through any blockages."
Emma Didomenico
"Michelle has a natural intuitive ability that reflects in her sessions. I received powerful and intuitive messages that hit very close to home and allowed me to release wounds I'd been holding for a long time."
Growing up I've always felt super sensitive to energies around me but I didn’t know how to protect my energy. I felt like I might have some psychic abilities (clairsentient, clairaudient) but had no direction and at the time there wasn’t much information available.
I often felt overwhelmed and depressed because I felt alone, misunderstood, and like my life was missing meaning and purpose. I often found myself in the same type of perpetuating patterns, leaving me feeling frustrated and stuck. I also kept attracting the wrong types of partners, leaving mE feeling unfilled and heartbroken. I knew that I wasn’t happy and I longed to be. I knew my life had deeper meaning, but I didn’t know how to figure it out.
It wasn’t until I was 33 years old that I was diagnosed with ADHD. Initially, I believed the answer was medication because I felt like they might help and having a diagnosis seemed to make sense. There was no plan of action or framework to help me navigate my ADHD, or life, in order to find joy, purpose and meaning. I knew that I didn't want to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life either. My spirit was speaking and I knew I had to listen. I’m happy to say I am now medication-free and don’t believe in giving myself, or anyone, a label. I see my diagnosis as a true gift and I’ve learned to trust myself and my own method for life. We all have unique gifts and we are all widely unique and different. I’m here to help you learn to trust yourself, your process, and to live your best life - truly being YOU! No apologies!
It wasn’t until my most profound and first moment of awakening and transformative breakthrough happened spontaneously while meditating; I experienced my essence as an energy being. I could feel my absolute vastness in a light so bright it was brighter than the sunniest day I had ever seen. My body was completely weightless and gone was even my sense of having a body. Instead, I was a white ray of light that beamed in all directions. There was nowhere to go, nothing to do. I could simply be in all my absoluteness. I felt like pure bliss, pure peace. This experience changed my reality. Seeing and experiencing this vastness I grasped and felt more the concept that we are pure intelligent energy, pure love and wholeness. When I emerged and opened my eyes I felt lighter, more grounded and whole. I realized that this all-encompassing sense of completeness that I came to experience was in total contrast to how I had been experiencing myself to date.
Accelerate forward, some universal opportunitie,s and following my heart, led to completely changing my career and becoming my own boss. I am living a life that feels fulfilled, meaningful, and purpose-driven. I am now a certified Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed, Clinical, Transpersonal Hypnotist, Meditation Teacher, Master Neurolinguistic Practitioner, and Intuitive, Spiritual Coach. I love helping beautiful beings all over the globe expand into their full potential for more happiness, inner peace, and overall success. I help you go from feeling stuck to unstuck and deeply aligned so you can live your most joyful and expansive life. Because that's what you’re here to do on this earth in this lifetime!
Over the last decade, I’ve learned so much about my spiritual journey and I have devoted myself to learn more about; the spiritual awakening process, how to trust in the Universe, how to work with energy and tap into Source, and how meditation can transform your life.
Let me help you find your peace and happiness. Together we will map out your road to success!